
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tactics: Necron Monolith

You SHOULD take one of these if you're playing as necrons because of how useful they are.

The main thing to know about the Monolith is that it is the only tank aside from Space Marines and Chaos to get a AV of 14 on all sides. Aside from this, they don't get any upgrades at all. With that out of the way, here is the other things to know about it:
  • The Monolith can only move up to 6" a turn.
  • If put in reserve, the Monolith must deep strike.
  • And it's a heavy cost at 200pts to field it.
Don't let that bother you. It has some great Wargear:
  • Four gauss flux arcs- has one at each corner for an easier to shoot at all angles.
  • Particle Whip- You will use this weapon more often. At a strength 8 and AP 3 with a large blast template and has ordnance 1, this is perfect for taking out squads with heavy weapons and massive assaulting units going towards your Necrons. Also useful for getting rid of vehicles in the way.
  • Eternity Gate- This weapon can be used in two ways:
  1. Dimensional Corridor- To be used at the start of the movement phase, choose one friendly unengaged non-vehicle Necron unit on the field or in reserve. that entire unit (including those that have to roll for repair protocols.) phases out and is placed in front of the monolith. those that can't be placed are removed. but are treated as if they disembarked from a vehicle that has moved from combat speed. This is a good thing to use if you have to move one unit from one side of the table to the other. Also good for moving miss placed deep striking units to where they can do something or get away from units that would destroy them.
  2. Portal of Exile- Counts as a shooting attack. all enemy models (not units) within D6" must take a strength test or die regardless of saves of any kind (even invulnerable saves). roll for each model individually. Useful for taking out annoying units around your Monolith that can destroy it.
 All of these weapons are great for all kinds of roles for the Monolith. Even so it has a couple of spacial rules:
  • Deep Strike- This is needed so that the Monolith can go anywhere, even behind the enemies lines.
  • Living Metal- If the Monolith suffers the Crew Shaken result roll a D6. On a 2+ it ignores the effect. Likewise if the Monolith suffers a Crew Shaken Result Roll D6. On 4+ the effect is ignored. Basically this let's you Shoot straight.
There is some weaknesses to know:
  1. Lances are the bane of you. It will take you out by explosion or by losing all your hull points. 
  2. Monstrous Creatures will rip your Monolith in half faster than the expression that will appear on your right after it is destroyed.
  3. Well placed Melta-Bombs will destroy your Monolith in one shot. kill those who have these equipped.
Try to take these problems out or you will lose that well placed Monolith in one turn.

Helpful ways to use the Monolith:
  • The Dimensional Corridor can be used to move your entire army to the other side of the table where the enemy is to shoot them all.
  • Deep Striking the Monolith to the other side of the map can constraint your enemy by moving your other Necrons models towards the Monolith while the Monolith itself moves towards your other models to crush the enemy or shoot if you prefer.
  • Particle Whip everything. it will piss off your opponent fast due to losing that important heavy weapon team.
Either way it's still cheaper than a Land Raider currently.

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