
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tactics: Tau Stealth Teams

Despite the small squad size this unit has a large variety of uses for your Tau army.
First the Wargear:
  • Stealth Battlesuit- Comes with Multi-trackers and a Blacksun Filter. Grants the Stealth and Shrouded special rules. Gives a +3 Save as well. Basically it makes you the master at Night Fighting because outside night fighting you have a 4+ cover save in the open and increases any cover by 3, but while in Night Fighting being shot at from between 24" to 36" at your unit is at 3+ and in cover at 2+ which makes you extremely hard to hit. other than that, you can shoot normally in Night Fighting and fire an extra weapon in the shooting phase.
  • Burst Cannon- Basic equipment for your Stealth Team. Strength and AP 5 with assault 4 let's you deal out a lot of fire in one turn.
They only get a few special rules:
  • Infiltrate- the most important special for this unit. lets you place your units anywhere on the field that is 12" away from any enemy unit. 
  • Supporting Fire- helps your other units that are being assaulted survive by shooting at the assaulter like an overwatch attack, but you must be within 6".
Besides this, they do have great options to choose from:
  • May take up to 3 more shas'ui at 30pts per model.
  • any Stealth Suit may take one additional support system:
  1. Advanced targeting system- when rolling to hit on a 5 or 6 the shot is a precision shot.(you pick the model that will be affected by this shot.) Great for taking out specific units that are driving you insane.
  2. Counterfire Support System- fire at a BS of 2 instead of 1 when firing Overwatch. Take it. It helps when being assaulted.
  3. Early Warning Overide- grants Interceptor special rule. Not really great since you only get a 5 strength weapon and one that does not have enough reach to hit the flyer.
  4. Gravity Wave Projector- At the beginning of your enemies assault phase choose one unit within 12" with this system then roll a D3. If that unit chooses to assault you reduce their movement by whatever you rolled. It's okay but sometimes slash up to 3" inches might not exactly work out in your favor.
  5. Networked Markerlight- Let's you use one of your models to fire a markerlight shot which includes all the benefits of a regular markerlight shot from a markerlight drone. this is better to use than the drone due to you having a muti-tracker. But it's a heavy weapon meaning that the drone can be used to override it for that reason. Either way It's your choice.
  6. Pulse Accelerator- increases the models pulse weapon range by 6". Gives you a bolter range which is okay for taking out enemies at a farther range, but there are still better options.
  7. Positional Relay- The unit who has this system that is within 6" of a board edge (yours or your opponent.) can let any Outflaking unit go from that table edge. if you choose not to may roll like normal for Outflanking. Might be worth it if you need to move some outflanking units to the board edge you want without risking a roll to the edge that you didn't want.
  8. Shield Generator- Grants a 4+ invulnerable save. Great for surviving from being shot up. this is great with your cover saves as well.
  9. Stimulant Injector- Grants feel no pain to the model. It's okay, but shield generator might be a better choice because you can survive against weapons that cause instant death.
  10. Target Lock- Let's the model shoot another unit instead off what the group is shooting at. good for taking out multiple squads at once.
  11. Vectored Retro-Thrusters- Grants Fleet and Hit and Run special rules. Another system that let's you flee from assaults faster.
  12. Velocity Tracker- You may choose a model with this system to have it's weapon(s) get the Skyfire special rule. Not very great because of lack of high strength ranged weapons for this unit.
  •  For every 3 models one of them may replace their burst cannon with a Fusion Blaster for 5pts per model- Helps you take out high toughness models or high save models quicker. Also can take vehicles better as well.
  • Can upgrade one model to be a Shas'vre for 10pts.
  • He can take:
  1. Homing beacon for 10pts- Any unit wishing to deep strike within 6" of this model does not scatter. Perfect for getting your important units behind the enemy.
  2. Markerlight and Target Lock for 5pts- See Above.
  • The Shas'Vre may take 2 drones from the Drone List- Suggestion: Shield Drone and Marker Drone because it frees the choice of shield generator and Networked Markerlight.
  • The unit may take the bonding knife ritual at 1pt per model- Makes you fearless so just take it anyway.
Otherwise the Stealth Team is really good at getting behind enemy lines and help deep striking and outflaking units get across the field faster. still there is a weakness to all units. For them it's Template and Blast Weapons due to them negating cover save.

Also they are at a cheap $26.50 for 3 of them including a markerlight drone, so that's a good deal.

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