
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tactics: Warp Talons 

A less flexible unit for chaos, but it has one job and it does its job well: Infantry Hunting.

First the Wargear:
  • Two Lightning Claws- This adds +1 to the Attack profile.
  • Power Armour- Grants +3 Sv
  • Jumped Pack- Makes Warp Talons jump infantry and grants 12" movement.  
They're great equipment but lack of gernades imposes a problem when charging and deep striking.

Second the Special Rules:
  • Champion of Chaos- Only for the champion. Commonplace for all aspiring champions, lets you roll on the chaos boon table.
  • Daemon- Gives the two most important things for assault, +5 invulnerable save and fear. Helps stop the enemy right there and saves the unit from AP values of 3 or lower and instant death. This makes up for lack of gernades.
  • Warpflame Strike- Helpful when deep striking. any unit that is within 6" gets inflicted with blind (BS and WS are 1 for an entire turn.) which makes you live for the turn while not moving. but not very useful when you miss fire the unit away from the enemy. Note that this does inflict the entire unit, not just the models within range.
finally optional purchases:
  • May take 5 extra units at a cost of 30pts each.
  • May take two gifts of mutations at 10 pts each- Very important to use these because your Champion won't suffer from becoming a spawn but, unfortunately, you can't turn into a Daemon Prince. still it will add great benefits as well.
  • Can take the four marks of chaos:
  1. Mark of Khorne at 4pts a model- the best option for them. grants counter-attack and rage special rules. perhaps the two best rules for assaults.
  2. Mark of Tzeentch at 6pts a model- grants +1 to their invulnerable save. great for surviving while trying to get to a assault without dying.
  3. Mark of Nurgle at 4pts a model- increases toughness by a parentheses 1. Ex: 4(5). This is worst choice because they're a great fire magnet and your enemy will most likely have strength 8 weapons or higher.
  4. Mark of Slaanesh at 3pts a model- Not as great as the other choices but still better than Mark of Nurgle. gives a +1 to your initiative. good for going first against most units in assault. 
  • Veterans of the long war at 3pts a model- Take it.It's worth it if you are up against space marines and also to increase your leadership by +1 since, for some reason, you are not fearless.
Overall this unit is best for infantry hunting, but is really not meant for tank hunting since you can only glance at an AV of !0 which most tanks only have at their rear.

Also worth it since they are only at $33 for 5 of them anyway.

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